Friday 6 September 2013

Blog on Production, Distribution and Exhibiton

Link: The white sheet given in class
Planning (pre-production), filming and editing (post-production). It is the process of making a film and everything that goes with it.
In production, the video production/film is created and shot. The production office will be free to create any unique blend of roles to suit the various responsibilities possible during the production of a film. A typical day's shooting begins with the crew arriving on the set/location by their call time. Actors usually have their own separate call times. Since set construction, dressing and lighting can take many hours or even days, they are often set up in advance.With workdays often lasting 14 or 18 hours in remote locations, film production tends to create a team spirit. When the entire film is in the can, or in the completion of the production phase, it is customary for the production office to arrange a wrap party, to thank all the cast and crew for their efforts.

Link: The white sheet given in class
Selling the film to companies ready for exhibiton.
This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas or, occasionally, to consumer media (DVD, VCD, VHS, Blu-ray) or direct download from a provider. The film is duplicated as required and distributed to cinemas for exhibition (screening). Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the film is advertised and promotedFilm distributors usually release a film with a launch party, press releases, interviews with the press, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings. Most films have a website. The film plays at selected cinemas and the DVD typically is released a few months later. The distribution rights for the film and DVD are also usually sold for worldwide distribution. The distributor and the production company share profits.

Cinemas fall into 1 of 2 categories: national chains; and independent exhibitors. The specific programming will depend on the target audience, with large chains often filling their multiplexes with blockbuster fare and individual independents more likely to cater to art-house crowds. A natural entry route to exhibition is to work in a cinema. Chains employ significant numbers of people to handle ticketing, confectionery sales (where cinemas tend to make the bulk of their profits), and film projection. Those working for independent exhibitors may be more involved in its programming as the cinema establishes a distinct identity for itself.

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