Friday 27 September 2013

Start of filming our Swede

Today we will start to film our swede using Georgia's camera. Antonia will be taking the pictures to show our progress.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Overall Summary of storyboard

Today, we had some technical problems, our pictures didn't match the sound, so we had to redo the sound and cut some out so that they matched. Maddie drew the pictures and I went over it with sharpie.

Making the storyboard

We have now finished our storyboard, and we have the sound in the background. We made our storyboard by watching the trailer and drwaing all the main things that happened. Then we timed them so that in the storyboard, the pictures would appear at the right time with the sound. We scanned our images into the computer and opened them with paint. We then cut out each image to make all the different pictures in the storyboard seperate. We then had to use MoviePlus X6 to put it all together. We added the pictures and made them the right length, and then we added the sound in the background.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Drawing our Storyboard

In todays lesson, we drew and comlpeted our Storyboard for our Mean Girls swede. We have 21 different sections, and the audio of our swede will be the trailer of the movie playing in the background. Next lesson, we will write at the bottom of each section of the Storyboard the time that it needs to appear at. We also went over all the pencil lines with sharpie, to make sure that it would stand out and everything would be clear. We will also, next lesson, book Michelle, so that we can start to put the whole thing together.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Planing our swede

Our swede is Mean Girls. This lesson, we started to plan our swede. We decided on all the main scenes, characters and quotes from the movie we would include in our swede. We watched the trailer from the film and also watched a clip with all the best quotes from the film which we have incorporated into our planning. We wrote out on an A3 piece of sugar paper all our planning, so that next week, we can start the storyboard. 

Thursday 12 September 2013


A swede is a shortened, around 5 minute version of a film. It has all the main parts of the film and all the main characters and tells the story, just in less time then the actual film itself.

This is a swede of Home Alone. I like it because it's  really funny and it explains the story well but doesn't get boring. It allows you to watch only the swede as this tells you everything to do with the story, so you don't have to watch the whole film. It involves all the main characters and doesn't miss out any crucial parts of the film, so all the details that you need to understand the film are contained in the swede. It's a really good film and that's what made me like this swede even more.

This is a swede of Mean Girls. This swede is good because it's funny and is exactly the same as the film. It tells the whole story well and includes all the main characters. You can clearly tell from the start that this is a Mean Girls swede. It has only the main points, so it lets you follow the story without having to watch the film completely. It's easy to understand and because I like this film so much, I like the swede.

Friday 6 September 2013

Blog on Production, Distribution and Exhibiton

Link: The white sheet given in class
Planning (pre-production), filming and editing (post-production). It is the process of making a film and everything that goes with it.
In production, the video production/film is created and shot. The production office will be free to create any unique blend of roles to suit the various responsibilities possible during the production of a film. A typical day's shooting begins with the crew arriving on the set/location by their call time. Actors usually have their own separate call times. Since set construction, dressing and lighting can take many hours or even days, they are often set up in advance.With workdays often lasting 14 or 18 hours in remote locations, film production tends to create a team spirit. When the entire film is in the can, or in the completion of the production phase, it is customary for the production office to arrange a wrap party, to thank all the cast and crew for their efforts.

Link: The white sheet given in class
Selling the film to companies ready for exhibiton.
This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas or, occasionally, to consumer media (DVD, VCD, VHS, Blu-ray) or direct download from a provider. The film is duplicated as required and distributed to cinemas for exhibition (screening). Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the film is advertised and promotedFilm distributors usually release a film with a launch party, press releases, interviews with the press, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings. Most films have a website. The film plays at selected cinemas and the DVD typically is released a few months later. The distribution rights for the film and DVD are also usually sold for worldwide distribution. The distributor and the production company share profits.

Cinemas fall into 1 of 2 categories: national chains; and independent exhibitors. The specific programming will depend on the target audience, with large chains often filling their multiplexes with blockbuster fare and individual independents more likely to cater to art-house crowds. A natural entry route to exhibition is to work in a cinema. Chains employ significant numbers of people to handle ticketing, confectionery sales (where cinemas tend to make the bulk of their profits), and film projection. Those working for independent exhibitors may be more involved in its programming as the cinema establishes a distinct identity for itself.

Pupil Reflection

Me and Georgia
  • What are your favourite films?
  • Me
  1. The Conjuring: Because it's scary and makes you sit on the edge of your seat. I like how the whole film is spooky and not just aspects of it.
  2. Mean Girls: Because I love the characters in it and it's really funny.
  • Georgia
  1.  Mean Girls: So funny and a teen comedy.
  2. Charlie St Cloud: It has Zac Efron in it.
  • How often do you go to the cinema?
  • Me:A few of times a month.
  • Georgia:Once every two months.

  • What genre of films do you like?
  • Me: Horror, Rom Com and Teen Comedy. I like these because Horror and Thriller are spine chilling and I like films that make me jump.
  • Georgia: Comedy or Romantic tear jerkers. I like to laugh and they're really funny.

  • How much do you spend on films?
  • Me: Around £10 to £15.
  • Georgia: £10 a month.

  • Do you stream films? If so, what sites do you use?
  • Me: Yes, on Love Film.
  • Georgia: Yes, on Netflix

  • What are your thought on Piracy?
  • Me: I think it's wrong because it's loosing money for the film institution.
  • Georgia: Good for me because I get free films.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Skills Audit

I found choosing the music video and TV advert easy, as I watch a lot of TV and listen to a lot of music, so I knew what was out there, so I could easily pick my favourites. But I found choosing the TV Drama and the Film Trailer the hardest because I do watch Dramas, but I've never really thought about the representation in them, and I also watch films, but I've never thought about the trailers and what they show. I think it's easier to pick out a favourite music video because everyone has some idea what theirs could be, whereas picking out a film trailer is hard because you usually focus on the film, not so much on the trailer.

TV Drama

This clip from Emmerdale shows sexuality. This is the scene from Emmerdale where Paddy finds out that Aaron is gay. Aaron beats up Paddy for suggesting it, though later in the episode admits to him that he's confused about his sexuality. It shows how if people have the right people around them who can understand them and help them realise that it's ok. Aaron tries to cover up his sexuality at first, but realises that Paddy would never judge him, so he tells him the truth.

Film Trailer

I have chosen this film trailer because I think it really engages the audience and is very intense. The rhyme said in the trailer along with the spooky music box playing creates an eerie atmosphere throughout the trailer. It doesn't give too much about the film away, so it makes you want to go and see the film by enticing the viewer. When it gets to the middle of the trailer, I like how the music speeds up as the trailer becomes more intense. And I also like how right at the end, they save the scariest bit for last, when the woman's face appears over his shoulder. This is effective because it will engage the audience even more. The trailer makes the film sound scary and spine chilling, so it would appeal to the right audience of mainly teenagers.

Music Video

I like this music video because I think the idea of the video is clever. I like the way it's filmed and it's clever in the way that the band members play the choreographer and marketing guy etc. as well as themselves. I like the comedy side of it too. I like the way that the band don't like any of the ideas that the marketing guy, marcel, is coming up with. It's also clever howthey put the two shots together, so they shot as the band, and also had to shoot as the characters of the music video. So the video would have taken a long time to make this video and put it together to have the two shots in one screen.


 The advert I have chosen is this Specsavers advert in which the vet thinks that the woman's hat is a cat. I like the humour in the advert when the woman runs back into the room because the vet is saying how the cat has no pulse, and then she realises that she isn't wearing her hat, and that the vet has mistaken it for the cat. And I also like the humour at the end when you see the cat looking at him, and even the cat looks embarrassed for him. You can see that the hat and the cat are the same colour and texture, but it's such a silly mistake and that's what makes it so funny.

Introductory Text

My name's Amelia Pavelin. I'm 16 years old and  I have dark brown, long hair. I live in Crowthorne and attended Edgbarrow School. I have chosen Media Studies because I thought that media fitted nicely with the other subjects I have chosen. My brother and my friends sister have also chosen Media Studies in the past, and they have both told me that they really enjoyed it, so I thought it would be a fun subject to choose. I would like to do something to do with Media and Drama in the future, so Media was a very good choice for me to take.