Friday 22 November 2013

Unit Introduction

Unit Introduction (Main Case Studies, Thor 2 and In Fear.)
Out of 50 (20 marks for question, analysis and explanation. 20 marks for examples and 10 marks for terminology.)

·        There will be one question on the exam about the film industry.

·        It is worth 25% of your overall mark.

Production, Distribution, Marketing and Exchange.
Convergence- different technology coming together.

Synergy- different media coming together.
Sony- multinational company.

·        29% of cinema audiences are aged 15-24.

·        More than half of 15-24 year olds visit the cinema once a month.

·        In 2012 the UK Box Office took over £1 billion
·         646 films were released in the UK last year.
·         Saturday is the most popular night, 24.1% of Box Office.
·         Sunday 17.6%.
·         Friday 16.4%.
·         Wednesday 13.5%.
·         Monday, Tuesday and Thursday about 9.4%.
In 2012 the most popular genres with Box Office:


·        Action 34.5%
·        Comedy 17.5%
·        Drama 14.2%
·        Animation 12.2%
·        Horror 4.4%
·        Rom Com 1%
In 2012 over £300 million was spent on prints and advertising by film distributors.
Think Like A Man, The Hunger Games and The Avengers were the most tweeted movies in 2012.
·        People spend on average 16 minutes in the foyer.
·        About 40% of a cinema’s profit comes from refreshments.
Top 3D releases of 2012
·        Marvel Avengers Assemble
·        The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
·        Prometheus
·        The Amazing Spiderman
·        Life Of Pi
3D accounts for just under £1 in every £5 spent on cinema tickets.
·        BBC iPlayer had 6 million requests every say in 2012.
·        Just 4% of all film viewing is at the cinema.
·        35% of TV sets sold in the UK are super-sized.
·        On average, people watch 4 hours of TV per day.
Top 3 films of 2012 (Skyfall, Dark Knight Rises and Marvel Avengers Assemble) accounted 18% of all Box Office spend about 1 in every £6 spent.
14% of retail buyers bought a film they had previously seen at the cinema.
·        60% of 16-30 year olds believe film content should be free when accessed online.

The most pirated films of 2012 according to Bit Torrent are:
·        Project X, 8.72 million downloads
·        Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, 8.5 million downloads
·        The Dark Knight Rises: 8.23 million downloads
These are all shared viewing experiences.
Cinema going is a shared experience with an average of 3 people per party.
Comi-con (Tom Hiddleston came in his character) helps publicity.
Look at interviews with characters and directors.
Look at the websites relating to the film.
Wikiedia pages.
Social networking.
Trailers and featurettes.
Additional formats.



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